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A Discussion on
New Cart Paths

Most of you know that Eastwood has constructed a new gravel cart path on the #1 Tee Box as a prototype for further development. Since then, new paths have been extended to #4 Tee Box, #8 Tee Box and #15 Tee Box. Here are some things our golfers need to know:


1. Why gravel? Why not concrete or asphalt

Eastwood volunteers sought bids from local contractors for both surfaces. The price for as much work as was done this year would have been $40,000-$50,000, which far exceeded the donations we received. Members of our Men’s and Women’s Leagues researched and discussed options, and given our budget, gravel was the one that would improve the condition of our cart paths and cover the most areas in need of improvement.


2. Is gravel stable enough to survive the continued pounding from carts and weather?

What you don’t see under the gravel is a mesh layer about 3” deep that will hold the gravel in place over the years, especially where the cart paths are located on slopes. By tamping the gravel mechanically, it will provide a solid, stabile surface, especially when rain and winter weather conditions give it a good soak.


3. How much did this cost, and where did the money come from?

Nearly all expenses were covered by private donations from members of Eastwood’s Men’s and Women’s Leagues. The golf organizations have worked hard to raise nearly $12,000 to make this happen. The cost to date is just over $6600.


4. Is this the end of this project?

No!  Discussions are happening right now regarding repairs to the exits from our concrete cart paths as well as the next extensions that will improve cart access for everyone. Think about the descent on Hole #7 from the back tee boxes to the forward tee boxes. Think about Hole #16 from the back tee boxes to the most forward tee box. And many other locations on both Nines. After this year’s work, the Project Fund needs to be replenished so the work can continue into next year and beyond.


5. Do you want to help?

The men and women who play golf at Eastwood will continue to look for revenue sources to support more improvements to Eastwood. You can drop off cash or a check to the Eastwood Clubhouse this Fall, next Spring or in the Winter (if you catch Jeff Gorman when he is in the Eastwood Clubhouse). Or contact me by return email to locate a member of the cart path development team. Make your check out to Eastwood Men’s Club and be sure to designate your contribution “For Cart Path Fund” and it will be directed into the correct project. We will continue to build cart paths as long as there is money in the fund.

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